The ’Széchenyi Orientation Ear Map’
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The ’Széchenyi Orientation Ear Map’
„The ’Széchenyi Orientation Ear Map’ offers a solution to the internationally debated problem of the adequate localization and standardization of ear acupuncture points.The ear map offers a solution for finding the exact location of acupuncture points in one uniform/flexible arrangement in various ear acupuncture systems, from the Chinese or Nogier’s ear acupuncture points to Széchenyi’s 191 ear acupuncture points. It is important to emphasize that apart from the correct diagnosis, the basis of successful therapy is finding the adequate localization of the acupuncture points.
Utilizing the Széchenyi Orientation Ear Map, it does not matter what specification the map has, the Orientation Points, the Main- and Auxiliary Orientation Lines unanimously help the therapist to accurately localize the acupuncture points, no matter the shape of the ear. It also enables to better comprehend the ear-acupuncture points of other different maps. Therapists will not come to a dead-end by trying to find the adequate location of active points, they will prick the needle into a spot that is responsible for another disorder. On the contrary, they will be able to identify the proper location of the active points.”
The orientation map used for the grid is not applicable on its own. but the Nogier, the Chinese, the Oleson, the Széchenyi 191 points etc. applied onto different maps helps in accurate localization, handling, and identification of sensitive points.
For example, using the Orientation Map NADA 5 points or Battlefield point combinations would be localized uniformly all over the world. (please find attached an example)
191 points ear chart.

0 Zero point
1 Shen-Men
2 Dyspnea point
3 Hepatitis point
4 Cavum pelvis
5 Hip joint
6 Buttock
7 Ischial nerve
8 Constipation
9 Sympathetic trunk
10 Urethra
11 External genital organs
12 Rectum (upper part)
13 Hypotensive point
14 Uterus
15 Knee
16 Rectum (lower part)
17 Anus
18 Lower member masterpoint
19 Upper member masterpoint
20 Urethra
21 Sympathetic
22 External genital organs
23 Hemorrhoid point
24 Kidney
25 Flu point
26 Omega 2
27 Diuretic point
28 Tip of the ear
29 Tonsil I
30 Calcaneus
31 Malleolus
32 Toe
33 Appendix I
34 Finger
35 Liver - yang I
36 Knee joint
37 Gastrocnemius
38 Popliteal fossa
39 Knee
40 Wanning point
41 Abdomen
42 Lumbar vertebral column
43 Lumbago point
44 Hypogastrium
45 Allergy point
46 Radiocarpal joint
47 Darwin point
48 Helix 1
49 Liver - yang II
50 Upper abdomen
51 Heart point
52 Lateral abdomen
53 Elbow
54 Thorax
55 Appendix II
56 Helix 2
57 Shoulder
58 Tonsil II
59 Axilla
60 Shoulder pain
61 Breast
62 Lateral thorax, choleocystitis
63 Helix 3
64 Shoulder joint
65 Shoulder masterpoint
66 Clavicle
67 Tonsil III
68 Medulla oblongata
69 Thyroid I
70 Nephritis point
71 Helix 4
72 Mandible
73 Maxilla
74 Helix 5
75 Trigeminus
76 Special tumor zone
77 Internal ear
78 Helix 6
79 Omega (Chinese)
80 Tonsil IV
81 Eye
82 Omega
83 Nose
84 Neurasthenia point
85 Aggression
86 Anesthesia point for tooth extraction
87 Tongue
88 Region of the cheek
89 Palate
90 Synthesis masterpoint
91 Hypertensive point
92 Eye (astigmatism)
93 Hypothalamus anterior
94 Ovary
95 Subcortex
96 Forehead
97 Parotid
98 Brain point
99 Vertigo point
100 Cerebellum
101 Hypothalamus posterior
102 Thyroid II
103 Neck
104 Throat and tooth
105 Occiput
106 Testes
107 Stimulation point
108 Lung (NADA)
109 Nervous point
110 Cranium
111 Hypophysis
112 Temple
113 Emphysema point
114 Anti-asthmatic point
115 Eye (glaucoma)
116 Hypertension
117 Endocrine system
118 Suprarenal gland
119 Inner nose
120 Hunger point
121 External nose
122 Corpus callosum
123 Formatio reticularis (skin masterpoint)
124 Hearing (hearing nerve)
125 Thyroid III
126 Hormone point
127 Bronchiectasis point
128 Triple burner
129 Bronchus
130 Trachea
131 Thirst point
132 Larynx and pharynx
133 Thyroid IV
134 Heart point
135 External ear
136 Throat
137 Mouth
138 Branching point
139 Esophagus
140 Cardia
141 New eye point
142 Lung (exterior side)
143 Lung (upper, lower), tuberculosis point
144 Heart point
145 Blood point
146 Spleen
147 Large zone of hepatomegaly (right side)
148 Liver (NADA), muscle relaxation point
149 Large zone of hepatomegaly (left side)
150 Liver point
151 Schistosoma line
152 Hepatitis zone
153 Stomach
154 Sinking point
155 Duodenum
156 Pancreas point
157 Small intestine
158 Ascites point
159 Gallbladder
160 Appendix
161 Large intestine
162 Basic point for the blood
163 Prostate
164 Omega 1
165 Urinary bladder
166 Ureter
167 Kidney (NADA)
168 Large intestine
169 Pancreas and gallbladder
170 Meteoropathic or Bosch
171 Hypotensive groove (top)
172 Hypotensive groove (central)
173 Hypotensive groove (below)
174 Upper root of the ear
175 Medulla spinalis I
176 Lower back
177 Vagal radix
178 Special meridian, yangwei
179 Lower root of the ear
180 Middle back
181 Upper back
182 Medulla spinalis II
183 N. accessorius
184 N. glossopharingeus
185 N. hypoglossus
186 N. facialis
187 — N. olfactorius
188 N. oculomotorius
189 N. opticus
190 N. trigeminus I-III