Action of ear acupuncture in people with chronic pain in the spinal column : a randomized clinical trial1
The auricular points for the Treatment Group were distributed according to the energy balance and according to the standards of TCM, and were applied in the following order : Shenmen (TF4) ; Kidney (CO10) ; Sympathetic nerve (AH6a) ; points for reestablishing energy balance, corresponding to one organ and one viscera ; Cervical Vertebrae (HA13), Thoracic Vertebrae (AH11) and/or Lumbar Vertebrae (AH9), depending on the location of the pain21.
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2018 Sep 3 ;26:e3050. doi : 10.1590/1518-8345.2678.3050.
Action of ear acupuncture in people with chronic pain in the spinal column : a randomized clinical trial1.
[Article in English, Portuguese, Spanish]
Moura CC1, Iunes DH2, Ruginsk SG3, Souza VHS4, Assis BB5, Chaves ECL6.
Author information
to assess the action of ear acupuncture on disability and tissue temperature in people with chronic pain in the spinal column.
a clinical trial with a sample of 110 people, randomized into three groups : Treatment, Placebo and Control. The assessment instruments were the Rolland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) and a thermographic camera, administered before the first treatment session, one week after and 15 days after (follow-up) the fifth session of ear acupuncture. In the analysis of the data, the Kruskal Wallis, Student-Newman Keuls and Wilcoxon tests were applied.
there was a significant reduction in disability in the Treatment and Placebo groups between the initial and final assessments (p<0.05) and between the initial assessments and follow-up (p<0.05). In the final assessment, the Treatment group presented improvement of disability when compared with the Placebo and Control groups (p<0.05). There was an increase in mean tissue temperature of the dorsal region between the initial and follow-up assessments in Treatment and Control groups (p<0.05), and between the final assessments and follow-up in the Treatment and Placebo groups (p<0.05).
ear acupuncture was efficacious in reducing disability and increasing tissue temperature in people with chronic pain in the spinal column. Brazilian Register of Clinical Trials (RBR-5X69X2).